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Cyber Essentials accreditation for 4Cambridge

27/08/2020 - 4Cambridge News

4Cambridge have completed our Cyber Essentials accreditation and are now Cyber Essentials certified for another year (certificate number IASME-CE-004158).

Cyber Essentials is a Government backed scheme to help businesses adopt good cyber security practices. Most cyber attacks exploit basic weaknesses in software and IT systems. The scheme provides businesses of all sizes with clarity on good basic IT security processes to help protect against such weaknesses.

"The Cyber Essentials certification provides independent assurance that 4Cambridge have the correct protections in place", says Jon Stanton from 4Cambridge. "It also helps reassure our clients that we take data protection and IT security seriously."

This was our first application since the Cyber Essentials scheme was revamped earlier this year. The new process is a bit more involved with the questionnaire now requiring much more detailed responses. However our systems and processes have held up well, and we are delighted to have come through without any issues.

As well as gaining the certification ourselves, 4Cambridge have also helped several of our clients improve their IT security and work towards gaining their Cyber Essentials accreditation. If you would like to find out more about how 4Cambridge could help you with the Cyber Essentials application please contact us on 01223 455 000 or via our contact form.
