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IT Security - YOU are the weakest link!

03/01/2019 - Information Technology

Computer security has become increasingly more efficient and stronger, but there remains one constant weak link that can always be used to expose your networks. It is you - the human sat in front of the screen.

With encryption, strong passwords and two factor authentication, IT security has never been better. So hackers are now taking a different approach to getting into systems, and targeting the people who use the computers. The influx of spam email has been around for years, but more recently this has become increasingly sophisticated and more targeted. The emails from a Nigerian Prince are not likely to draw you in, but an email that looks like it comes from your boss telling you to transfer money to a new supplier may be more convincing. These "spear phishing" emails make use of publicly available information, such as the names of company directors, to put together realistic looking emails.

Training - get your defence in first

Despite the best efforts of spam filters, some of these emails will get through to your staff. So to protect the business you need to improve how your employees respond to such requests. Education is key, and a regular program of training to help them understand the risks can make a huge difference. By doing training at regular intervals you re-enforce the message and encourage good behaviour, such as being suspicious of unexpected emails, checking the sender email address, and double checking unusual requests via phone (rather than replying to the suspicious email!).

4Cambridge have teamed up with KnowBe4, a leading security awareness programme, to help businesses educate their staff and make sure they are aware of the risks. This includes online security training, along with ethical phishing tests to ensure that the message is getting through. To find our more about the KnowBe4 Security Awareness programme and how it could help protect your business, call us on 01223 455 000 or email us using our contact form.
